Happy Friday! Did you venture out to see the new Star Wars movie last night? #NerdStatus, I was there! Saw the awesomeness at 2am; sacrifice for sleep was worth it! And can you believe Christmas is only a short, eight days away?? Hopefully you have your shopping done, meal planned and can relax until the big day!
Now back to our scheduled program, thanks for joining us this week for #FridaySharefest! Each week for our #FridaySharefest, we spotlight a different blogger to showcase some of the faces in our community of bloggers.
I’m Caitlyn, you can find my little space of the inter web at LiveSweatSleep. I have a #TwelveDaysofLiveSweatSleep happening…check it out and enter to win a couple giveaways!
Starting off on the right foot, let’s talk about breakfast! My friend Christina at The Blissful Balance, shared a delicious Cranberry Orange Waffle recipe with us this week; they look oh-so-tasty! And as she mentions, they would be perfect for Christmas morning.
Speaking of the holidays, this week, all of the Tampa Bay Bloggers collaborated and put together a one-stop-shop for everything holiday. In this post you can find our favorite picks for tasty treats, traditions, and even some gift lists for you last minute shoppers!
In case you are ahead of the game, check out Fresh Mommy Blog for a few DIY ideas to fill up that extra time. Recently, she was able to grace The Container Store with her beauty & craftiness — she shared with shoppers her DIY homemade sugar scrub — something each of us could use after this busy holiday season.
But maybe crafts are not up your alley — or you don’t quite have the time… Ali, one of our newest members of TBB (and a sweet friend of mine) shares with us a few tips and ways to keep it movin’ movin’ these next couple weeks. And, if you’re lucky enough to reside in the Sunshine State with us, we still have the luxury of working outside, or even by the water!
Now I know I am… but are you hungry yet?? Those waffles started it, followed by some tasty treats & traditions, DIY Sugar Scrub (it just has the word SUGAR in it), and we worked up a little sweat, so yes — I’m hungry! Nichole at Casa de Crews shares with us ‘too pretty for a picture’ Prosciutto & Mozzarella Skewers this week. I don’t know about you, but these would be perfect for that holiday party! Something new and delish!
And that’s a wrap! As always, thank you for joining our #FridaySharefest!
It is going to be a busy week for all of us, but what do you have going on?
The Sound of Music will be at the Straz Center next week from December 22nd-27th — perfect for a little holiday cheer!
Happy Friday and wishing all of all a Happy Holidays!
Make sure to add your link below so we can connect!
Thanks for featuring me! Lots of blogger awesomeness