Welcome to #FridaySharefest 6/29/18!
Each week for our #FridaySharefest, we spotlight bloggers in our community to showcase some of the faces in our community of bloggers. This week our host is Tracy!
Happy last Friday of June everyone! I can’t believe this month is over and summer is in full swing. Speaking of summer, I have some new adventures planned such as a few staycations and local exploring. Over the July 4th holiday, I plan on going scalloping and eating at some new places. You can follow all of my adventures on my blog, Eat, Drink and be Tracy. What do you have planned?
As always, I love to follow my favorite local bloggers and share their adventures in the great place that we are fortunate to call home. Here are a few of my favorites from the last week:
Roaring Springs at Zoo Tampa DEAL
There are still so many places in Tampa that I have never been to and the recently renamed Zoo Tampa (formerly Lowry Park Zoo) is one of them. As a mom of two, this is quite frankly unacceptable. Jennifer Hodges of Metamorfit shares all the fun details on the new water ride, Roaring Springs. After reading her post, I added a trip to Zoo Tampa on my summer “to do list” and quite wait to take my kids there for our first time. In addition, Zoo Tampa is currently offering a great deal where you can get two free limited edition ponchos when you purchase the Coca-Cola 4-Pack of tickets online. How cool is that? I will be sure to share my first experience at Zoo Tampa with my readers on the blog.
Carnival Horizon Bermuda Cruise Recap
Heather of Heather’s Looking Glass is one of my favorite bloggers. She always has me envious of all of the great places and races she gets to experience. This week she shares her recent cruise to Bermuda on Carnival Horizon and lets just say that her pictures have me dreaming of a cruise. I am embarrassed to admit that I have only had the pleasure of going on a cruise once in my life and hope to do it again soon. Heather is, in my opinion, a travel expert and always shares beautiful recaps of her travels.
The Carnival Horizon is newly built and from the sounds of her trip, it seems like the perfect vessel for a trip to paradise. Everything she shares, from the food on the ship to the beauty of the ocean, is sure to have you online booking your next vacation.
Tips on How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle While Traveling
Ok, so how many of you struggle to keep up healthy habits while traveling? This is one of my biggest challenges and I always seem to use travel as an excuse to over do it with decadent foods and be a tad lazier than normal. Let’s just say that I am working on losing the five pounds I gained from last month’s trip to Utah for a food conference.
Linda Malys Yore of Live Dream Discover shares some wonderful tips for maintain healthy habits while on the road and I saved her post as a guide for my next trip. There are so many great things we can do while traveling such as eating balanced meals and making exercise more of an adventure by trying new things outdoors. One way is to take a bike ride and enjoy the local scenery. I can’t wait to try some of her suggestions on my next trip and know that it will be easier to stick to instead of falling into temptation.
I hope you all have a great 4th of July holiday with your family, friends and loved ones!
Now we want to hear from you! Welcome to #FridaySharefest 6/29/18!
What creative content are you sharing this week?
Here’s how to properly participate in Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest:
1. Add your link and VISIT AT LEAST ONE BLOG to leave a comment informing the blogger that you are visiting them for #FridaySharefest from #TBB.
2. Tweet, pin and share your favorite posts. After all, a Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest is about sharing the love and great blog posts!
Any questions? Email tampabaybloggers@gmail.com