FridaySharefest Tampa Bay Bloggers

#FridaySharefest 8-28-2015

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Welcome back to another fabulous #FridaySharefest!

To our regular participants, thanks for stopping by once again to join in our weekly blog hop. We’re so glad to have you here!

If this is your first #FridaySharefest, WELCOME! We are happy to see you here!

Since launching #FridaySharefest, we have enjoyed reading all your posts. In fact, we loved visiting your blogs so much that we started spotlighting our favorite posts from the previous week.

FullSizeRender 75First off, HOLA! I’m Caitlyn and you can find me over at Live.Sweat.Sleep.Repeat. I share a slew of posts: fitness, foodie yummyness, and finding all things #TampaLove to show how awesome our little city is! I most recently shared an opportunity to get OM in the Trop this weekend. Thanks to the St Pete Lululemon showroom, you can get your downward dog on at Tropicana Field, right on the field where the Tampa Bay Rays play! It is this Saturday morning, join me for yoga at 9AM, and then the game at 6PM. Tickets are still available.

IMG_2304[1]If you know me personally, you know that I would not be able to resist sharing a Disney post!! Alexandria at Al2getherFIT, recently took her family to Disney and enjoyed dinner with Cinderella to celebrate her daughter’s birthday. Alexandria shares all the beautiful details of the experience; including that it is a must do if you have a little princess (or big princess) in your life.

project-belize-2013-and-birthday-219Liz, over at No Ordinary Liz, shares with us her visit to Belize. Thanks to the amazing company that she works at for her ‘big girl job’ [that is what I like to call it 😉 ], she was able to embark on a two week journey to Belize to share with their youth the basics of life, leadership & building their future. Needless to say, based on the smiling faces in her post, Liz was able to touch so many little lives in that short, two weeks.

Saving the best for last… I know Lora had a blast with her post, Including Yoga Balls into Your Home Practice. Lora is a local yoga instructor, lover of NOMaste, and one of the most positive chicas I know. With this crazy rain we have been seeing in the Tampa area, [and a Tropical Storm on its way, EEK!], having a few accessories at home to ensure that you can still get your sweat/stretch on regardless of weather, is vital! I know I have some home workouts programs and my yoga mat for this reason! Do me a favor, and make sure to visit this post for some laughs with her sharing via Periscope/YouTube!


Now onto our regularly scheduled #FridaySharefest!

What creative content are you sharing this week?


Here’s how to properly participate in Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest:

1. Add your link and VISIT AT LEAST ONE BLOG to leave a comment informing the blogger that you are visiting them for #FridaySharefest from #TBB.

2. Tweet, pin and share your favorite posts. After all, a Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest is about sharing the love and great blog posts!

 Any questions?

Shoot us an email at

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