#FridaySharefest 2/23/18

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Welcome to #FridaySharefest 2/23/18!

Each week for our #FridaySharefest, we spotlight bloggers in our community to showcase some of the faces in our community of bloggers. This week our host is Ashley!

Ashley Grant square headshot

Hi bloggy friends!  Famous Ashley Grant here in this month of love, and as always I’m tickled pink to be back hosting another edition of Friday Sharefest! If we haven’t met before, nice to virtually meet you! On my own blog I write about everything from DIY projects to food and drinks, working anywhere with Wi-Fi, and things going on in my life. If we have met, it’s good to see you again, and thanks for stopping by! I hope 2018 has been good to you so far. It’s certainly been amazing for me. I’ve already enjoyed many Tampa Bay Bloggers opportunities this year, and get so pumped up spreading the word about this fabulous group. So, let’s keep spreading the word, shall we?

Here are a few of my favorites from the last week:


First up is Denise, from RunDMT. Not only is she sharing five reasons families will love VOLTA by Cirque du Soleil in this post, she is also giving away four tickets to the show. Head over there and tell her what you most love about Cirque du Soleil for your chance at winning the tickets. Although, I must confess I totally entered too and REALLY hope I win!

samantha ponzillo

Next, is Samantha Ponzillo of SPonzilloTV. In this post she’s sharing her inaugural episode of #HeyYouGuys. Per Samantha, this is “the video series where you guys watch me interview the amazing people that are in my life. You’ll learn something new, you’ll hear some good music, and you’ll laugh. Sit back, and shut up!” In her first episode, she featured one of our other Tampa Bay Bloggers, Heather Montgomery of Through Heather’s Looking Glass. Head over to Samantha’s site and watch the video now. Well, that is AFTER you finish reading this sharefest preferably! Oh and p.s. Samantha, if you’re reading this (and I totes hope you are), I’d LOVE to be on your show!


Because I’m using every opportunity I can think of to prove to my husband we need an instant pot, I’m sharing Nichole’s Instant Pot Chicken from her Casa De Crews site. Y’all, in this post Nichole makes a WHOLE CHICKEN IN 45 MINUTES!!! That’s like less time than it would take to drive to a restaurant and pick up takeout and come back home. And, she’ll totally have leftovers because it’s a whole chicken. As Nichole said in her post about making an entire chicken in under an hour, “It’s a game changer for meal prep!” To my hubs – this is proof positive I NEED an instant pot. But, I digress…


Last but not least, I’m loving Boss Babe’s 7 Things to Know Before You Launch Your Business. Boss Babe’s was founded by our very own Gina Moccio, and this site is jam packed with truth bombs, recipes, small business tips, and so much more. This killer post on the site features “7 stories for you on what small business owners wish they had known before they started their business.” It really is a wonderful write up, and one you should definitely read if you’re thinking about starting a business of your own.

That’s all for now bloggy friends. Until the next time I host, may your page views be high, and your bounce rate be low!

Now we want to hear from you! Welcome to #FridaySharefest 2/23/18!
What creative content are you sharing this week?
Here’s how to properly participate in Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest:
1. Add your link and VISIT AT LEAST ONE BLOG to leave a comment informing the blogger that you are visiting them for #FridaySharefest from #TBB.
2. Tweet, pin and share your favorite posts. After all, a Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest is about sharing the love and great blog posts!
Any questions? Email tampabaybloggers@gmail.com

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