Welcome back to #FridaySharefest! Each week for our #FridaySharefest, we spotlight a different blogger to showcase some of the faces in our community of bloggers. This week, our host is Lisa, creator of KindaZennish.com.
KindaZennish is a ‘Life Style Blog’ which is a fancy way of saying I write about things to do in Florida including barefoot running (with mud and obstacles if I’m lucky), paddleboarding, imbibing in beverages which shall not be named here, vegetarian cooking and generally writing about everything everyday Florida. The best thing about blogging is being a part of the blogging community. That’s where #FridaySharefest comes in. It’s a great opportunity to share your own work and also gives you a chance to meet other bloggers. Wondering what kinds of blogs are included? All kinds! You like art? It’s here. You like food? Well of course you do, who doesn’t? How about some tips on how to keep all of those papers organized now that your kids are back to school? Got you covered. Stacey over at ArtSnark’s Artifacts is a brilliant artist who’s blog highlight some of her work, other’ people’s art, and great projects you can do at home. Maybe even me, but I’d probably glue myself to a wood block trying her latest project. You, however, should give it a go, the end result is amazing looking and would be fun to do as a family project too.
Tracy at Having Fun Saving and Cooking shares where to get the best deals and lots of great recipes. Last week she shared a recipe for grilled cheese and veggies that I’m definitely going to try because grilled cheese and veggies.
Denise writes at Run DMT about everything fitness, food and family. Last week she shared how to keep all of your kid’s school papers organized, and which papers you should keep. That’s always the question for me!
Now onto our regularly scheduled #FridaySharefest!
What creative content are you sharing this week?
Here’s how to properly participate in Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest:
1. Add your link and VISIT AT LEAST ONE BLOG to leave a comment informing the blogger that you are visiting them for #FridaySharefest from #TBB.
2. Tweet, pin and share your favorite posts. After all, a Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest is about sharing the love and great blog posts!
Any questions?
Shoot us an email at TampaBayBloggers@gmail.com.