#FridaySharefest 1/5/18

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Welcome to #FridaySharefest 1/5/18!

Happy New Year! Each week for our #FridaySharefest, we spotlight bloggers in our community to showcase some of the faces in our community of bloggers. This week our host is voila, Tracy!

18402648_10155363448291108_8333343378861031905_nHi everyone! My name is Tracy and you can find me at Eat, Drink & Be Tracy; where I am always eating, drinking and finding things to do that I love and sharing them with my readers.

This is my first #FridaySharefest in awhile, almost a year to be exact. While 2017 was filled with so many ups and downs, I am excited to begin a brand new year. 2018 is already exciting for me, as I am happy to be back to full-time blogging after almost a two year absence. I am terribly guilty of trying to do too much and never being able to say no to anyone. As 2017 came to a close, I decided that “enough is enough” and for the first time in my life, I decided to pursue my passions of celebrating food and culinary arts.

In July of 2017, I had a vision to create an Instagram account that focuses solely on food. That is how Forking Around Town was conceived and 2018 will be my year to develop my new brand and do some traveling in pursuit of all things tasty. I can’t wait to share my delicious adventures with you.

2017 also was the year for me to find another passion of mine….running. After completing a 5k for the Gasparilla Distance Classic, I became addicted and set a goal to complete ten 5ks in a row and then move on to 10 and 15ks then eventually a half-marathon. I must have completed at least thirty 5ks, five 10ks, a few 8ks, a 15k and then two half-marathons. Running helps me become a better version of myself and words can’t express the inspiration I get from fellow bloggers that not only have a passion for running, they inspire me to be a better runner, blogger and social media expert.

IMG_4823One of the goals I set for myself in 2018 is to complete my first full marathon which will be in my favorite city in the world and where my heart still remains….San Francisco. Yep, this summer I will be going back to Cali which is my home and participating in the San Francisco Marathon. While this is definitely a challenging goal of mine, I know I can get by with a little help from my friends like Caitlyn from Live. Sweat. Sleep. I love the tips she shares on getting ready for a big race and also the advice from Cigna on overcoming roadblocks as you prepare to run those daunting 26.2 miles. Caitlyn is one of my biggest role models and inspires me to the moon and back.

disney6-600x843Another blogger who has helped me in more ways than she will ever know is Denise from Run DMT. Denise shared a very touching post last week that has become my mantra for marathon training. In her post, Dry January: Eight Things I Learned When I Gave Up Drinking, Denise shares her personal experience with her first ever dry January last year and what she learned. This is a must read for anyone who is looking to make 2018 their healthiest year yet and her eight lessons are golden.

DryJanuary-Eight-Things-I-Learned-Run-DMT-764x1024Of course, 2018 would not be complete without tons of races for me to register for as I get ready for those 26.2 this summer. Jessica from Tampa Mom Runs shares details on Iron Girl Clearwater, which is on my wish list, and how you can save 10% with her discount code. Jessica rocks not only as a mom but as a runner and is just another lovely gal that I admire.

0E4BAC62-AF50-445F-9AE6-399DA53075AE.jpegAs many know, Tampa has been experiencing some pretty chilly weather and getting up to go running while laying in my warm bed has been a challenge. Up and Humming shares some cold weather running advice which I will be using for the next few days.

cold-weatherNow we want to hear from you! Welcome to #FridaySharefest 1/05/18!

What creative content are you sharing this week?
Here’s how to properly participate in Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest:
1. Add your link and VISIT AT LEAST ONE BLOG to leave a comment informing the blogger that you are visiting them for #FridaySharefest from #TBB.
2. Tweet, pin and share your favorite posts. After all, a Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest is about sharing the love and great blog posts!
Any questions? Email tampabaybloggers@gmail.com

One response on “#FridaySharefest 1/5/18

  1. Run DMT

    This post is wonderfully inspiring! I live that you have reinvented yourself and taking in new challenges. What an exciting journey 2018 will be and I can’t wait to cheer you on. Thank you for featuring me too. I’m truly honored. 😘

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