Welcome back to #FridaySharefest! Each week for our #FridaySharefest, we spotlight a different blogger to showcase some of the faces in our community of bloggers. This week, our host is Nanci from This Crazy Life of Mine.
Happy February, everyone! This is always a busy month for me – birthdays, my blogaversary, and more means that I have a lot on my plate. It’s also the weekend of Best Damn Race in Safety Harbor, so I will be at the Expo tomorrow (yay for being a Best Damn Race Ambassador!) and I’m running the 5K / 10K Challenge on Saturday. Whew!
I wanted to take a quick second to mention that all this month, I am hosting a different giveaway each week to celebrate my blog turning 5. I hope you’ll stop on by each week and enter to win. This week, I am giving away a BAMR Band. Stay tuned for next week’s item!
It’s been another week of great content for the Tampa Bay Bloggers. I’ll start off by sharing a great post from Christina over at The Blissful Balance. What To Do When You’re on the Path to Burnout is an excellent read for anyone who has a full plate and is being pulled in a hundred different directions at once.
Carlyn over at Off The Sidewalk shared a post that caught my eye immediately. 30 Sunrise and Sunset Photos to Make You Happy did just that. Anyone who knows me knows that I love sunrises and sunsets and this post was meant for me, I just know it.
Haley shared her 2016 Goals and it reminded me I need to make a list of goals myself. I have so much I want to accomplish this year. I especially like how she breaks her goals down into personal, fitness, and blogging.
Liz over at No Ordinary Liz shared a great post on the Clearwater Beach Uncorked Extravaganza happening this weekend. If I didn’t have so much going on, I would be there in a heartbeat. It’s going to be a beautiful weekend, paid with food, beer, and wine on gorgeous Clearwater Beach.
If you’re having a Superbowl party this weekend, Nichole of Casa de Crews shared a recipe for pepperoni pizza bites. These little bites look delicious and super easy to make. You can wow your guests with them for sure!
Now onto our regularly scheduled #FridaySharefest!
What have you got to share this week? Add it below and check out what everyone else it writing about!
Here’s how to properly participate in Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest:
1. Add your link and VISIT AT LEAST ONE BLOG to leave a comment informing the blogger that you are visiting them for #FridaySharefest from #TBB.
2. Tweet, pin and share your favorite posts. After all, a Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest is about sharing the love and great blog posts!
Any questions?
Shoot us an email at TampaBayBloggers@gmail.com
Always something fun over here on a Friday! Those pizza bites & the turkey sliders in the linky would be a yummy combo for the game this weekend