#FridaySharefest 2-5-2016

1 Comment



Welcome back to #FridaySharefest! Each week for our #FridaySharefest, we spotlight a different blogger to showcase some of the faces in our community of bloggers. This week, our host is Nanci from This Crazy Life of Mine.

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Happy February, everyone! This is always a busy month for me – birthdays, my blogaversary, and more means that I have a lot on my plate. It’s also the weekend of Best Damn Race in Safety Harbor, so I will be at the Expo tomorrow (yay for being a Best Damn Race Ambassador!) and I’m running the 5K / 10K Challenge on Saturday. Whew!

I wanted to take a quick second to mention that all this month, I am hosting a different giveaway each week to celebrate my blog turning 5. I hope you’ll stop on by each week and enter to win. This week, I am giving away a BAMR Band. Stay tuned for next week’s item!


It’s been another week of great content for the Tampa Bay Bloggers. I’ll start off by sharing a great post from Christina over at The Blissful Balance. What To Do When You’re on the Path to Burnout is an excellent read for anyone who has a full plate and is being pulled in a hundred different directions at once.

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Carlyn over at Off The Sidewalk shared a post that caught my eye immediately. 30 Sunrise and Sunset Photos to Make You Happy did just that. Anyone who knows me knows that I love sunrises and sunsets and this post was meant for me, I just know it.

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Haley shared her 2016 Goals and it reminded me I need to make a list of goals myself. I have so much I want to accomplish this year. I especially like how she breaks her goals down into personal, fitness, and blogging.

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Liz over at No Ordinary Liz shared a great post on the Clearwater Beach Uncorked Extravaganza happening this weekend. If I didn’t have so much going on, I would be there in a heartbeat. It’s going to be a beautiful weekend, paid with food, beer, and wine on gorgeous Clearwater Beach.

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If you’re having a Superbowl party this weekend, Nichole of Casa de Crews shared a recipe for pepperoni pizza bites. These little bites look delicious and super easy to make. You can wow your guests with them for sure!

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Now onto our regularly scheduled #FridaySharefest!

What have you got to share this week? Add it below and check out what everyone else it writing about!
Here’s how to properly participate in Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest:

1. Add your link and VISIT AT LEAST ONE BLOG to leave a comment informing the blogger that you are visiting them for #FridaySharefest from #TBB.

2. Tweet, pin and share your favorite posts. After all, a Tampa Bay Bloggers’ #FridaySharefest is about sharing the love and great blog posts!

Any questions?

Shoot us an email at TampaBayBloggers@gmail.com

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